Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Rachel teaches our 1st and 2nd grades. Carol teaches 3rd and 4th. We are looking for a 5th and 6th grade teacher. Cody and David teach the middle school and high school class. Grades 1-4 are using a curriculum that builds on each lesson. However, the teachers are encouraged to turn to the Bible whenever possible for lessons and material. The middle school and high school classes are discussion oriented. If youth have questions, the class looks to the Bible for answers. Currently, they are using videos from the Bible Project for an overview of the Bible.
Rachel also oversees our children's church program. Children's church is for ages 2-9. While we encourage parents to have their children become part of the regular worship service, we recognize that some children love Children's church. Also, Carol teaches songs and music once a month.
Rachel also oversees our children's church program. Children's church is for ages 2-9. While we encourage parents to have their children become part of the regular worship service, we recognize that some children love Children's church. Also, Carol teaches songs and music once a month.

Sunday Mornings
Service and Children's Church